A Ruthless Life

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Writer's Block

I literally stared at my screen for about five minutes and decided to go get some tea. It’s extremely depressing outside; no sunshine, rain and dark skies. I just finished cleaning my kitchen and living room and I decided that today is the day that I write something on my blog.

Ah the long forgotten blog. I miss her.

Why is it that once you become content in life and you’ve passed the season of teen angst, it’s harder to feel inspired to write. OR maybe I’ve just become better at dealing with my emotions and I deal with them in a mature and healthy way? Ha! What an idea! No…, it’s not that I haven’t had moments where all I’ve wanted to do is sit and write every.single.thing I’m feeling. No, it’s mostly that every time something has wreaked emotional havoc in my life, I have still felt blocked, unimaginative, overall uninspired.

Truth is, when I first started the blog, it was simply because I wanted an outlet to express whatever thought I was having. However somewhere along the line, it became a “fashion” blog, and then it tried to be a “lifestyle-type” blog and then a travel blog – and none of those things were ever true to who I am. I am no fashionista, and I don’t cook (I can cook, don’t get it twisted) or do DIY’s (well good ones anyways) and I definitely don’t travel enough for it to be centered on that (but travel is #goals).

Oh! let’s not forget, college/university was kicking my behind so hard that I didn’t really have time to think about the “passion” projects. BUT now I’m done and my career has started and I have spare time again, and in the back of my mind I’ve been asking myself “why not start writing again?”

Truth of the matter is that I’ve always been a thinker, realistically probably an over thinker. Each of those thoughts needed somewhere to go and so they found themselves poured into different notebooks, then on my laptop and now in a folder on my phone.  The older I got, the more I wanted to immediately unburden myself, because who has the time to think, and so I poured out my thoughts into the people around me.

However, I still miss the art that is writing. Thinking about the composition of a sentence, the use of one word over another, the liberty to elaborate (or not) on a specific story or event. Sometimes I look up words and see their definition and wait for the right moment to use it in a sentence, simply because I like words. Mostly though, I miss that I can write something and craft into exactly what I’m trying to say. I am not a great speaker when it comes to my emotions. I stutter and stumble, I sometimes forget if I’m speaking Spanish or English. I say the wrong thing, more often than not, I say an offensive or insensitive thing. When I write though, I can read and re-read my words until they accurately describe what I was trying to say. I can word-tune, so to speak. It is an art form that allows me to have creative liberty, to unburden my heart and my mind and maybe, if I’m lucky, to reach someone that I couldn’t reach if I was talking.  

So, if you are someone that read my previous blog or you are new here and just came out of curiosity – know that I will do a lot of different things but mostly it will be me telling you a thought or a story because it is what this blog was always meant to be. Nonetheless, it is time to start pursuing the things that make me happy, and if I don’t start now – truth is, it’ll always just be something I wanted to do rather than be something I actually did. So here I go! Cheers to that!